Sunday, September 18, 2016

ER update

Friday I spent some time in the ER, it had been a year and some people were a bit worried about me!! That's how frequent I show up at those places. If I haven't mentioned I've had a pretty bad lung infection on top of my already poor lungs. On good days I get about a liter in my lungs on a good day. Which isn't much.

Friday morning I had felt my normal, a bit short of breath but OK to do a few minor things so around lunch I died my roots to my hair, had lunch and went about my normal day of a Sons marathon. And out of nowhere I could not catch my breath. My chest hurt, my lungs were tight and I had taking my normal meds and nothing helped so I called Wonder Woman and she could just here how bad it was. While I was waiting on her I did a duo Neb it see if for any relief And none. It was quite frustrating cause I didn't want to get admitted and thankful I didn't as of now. We keep a close eye on my breathing anyways and one wrong thing we treat. Turns out I just needed a Doxi IV pick me up. The PA was brilliant, she listened to me, treated me with what I needed and no extra and left the decisions of admittance up to me. I was like let's go home!! And of course unde the close eye of Wonder Woman. So I am temporally back to base line but we also got to see how bad my lungs looked and we also think my lungs are just getting this bad!! The PA figured out quickly I am not one to complain which Wonder Woman confirmed which I am not I only tell people when I need help. So she ran everything to clear all possibilities of what could be wrong which was lovely of her!!

I'll keep an eye on everything as we always do and might call back for some more doxi but unsure at this point I'll see how I feel in a few days. This has been my normal, quite poor lung function, sats as low as 80 so uh I do what I can when I am feeling OK, otherwise nothing is going on just spending quality time with my animals!! Lol!!

But ima hop off here and hang with the fur babies
Love Y'all

Monday, September 12, 2016

Wonder Womans Birthday

So this past week was Wonder Woman's Birthday!! I have been absolutely breathless this past week to the point I had  to go on stronger antibiotics. We had frequent stopping and I even sat in the back of her class for 4 hours coughing and wheezing. No one seemed to notice because its so normal for me and most of them already know me. She also talked about me prior to and told them I am a sassy fiesty Chef. Why was I at her work for her birthday?? Well I made pumpkin muffins for her co-workers and her students. After we went to Crique De Soliel to celebrate. I love Cirque as does she so we had a blast. The spider kept chirping at me lol it was quite lovely. I couldn't keep my oxygen connected and like the kid I am I had cotton candy and got a scarf to go with my collection!! haha We both really enjoyed it though. We sorta swapped concerts for Cirque and even though I miss going to concerts I am sure my lungs appreciate it.

As for my lungs I have a terrible infection. We were a bit concerned when I was putting on shoes and lost my breath pretty badly. But we don't think much of it at the same time because I mean my lungs have been that way all summer long. With the major set back its often difficult to know what is concerning and what isn't. When I was at Endo recently my SATS were 80 and my sweet nurse was your breathing your hearts ticking and your talking fine i am not gonna worry about it and its like I like you!! We can be friends!! I am sure Wonder Woman feels the same. We are also unsure how bad this infection is and if its permanent or not. But again this where we are at in life. And though no one wants to here it, I have the best support system a girl could ask for.

With all this going on I am not sure I will be able to dress up for halloween or not. I am torn between 2 looks. I am sure you can guess one is Alice. But there is also my love for Harley Quinn. Yes I get it its very popular but I wouldn't do modern day Har. I would do classic Har, and know which to outfits I want for both Alice and Har but there both a bit pricy and I am under a 26 inch waste so I am not sure if that one outfit will fit cause that is the smallest size they make. Yes this is my concern right now. Keeping it real like I always do. Halloween is my favorite holiday to the point its a way of life for me. I have always loved it and I am sure I could pull off tricker treating if  I could but I mean walking a distance is just to much for me!! Not to mention all the people I'd be around to make my infection worse. Which is something we do not want to do. So everything is up in the air for right now because my first concern is the beautiful bride I am working with and tattoos!!

But I have Sons on so I will jump off here.
Love Y'all

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Cap Wild Bill and Introduction to Ms. J

I guess while I am waiting for my lunch to cook I should up date this. Theres not been to much going on but I figured I had enough to update this. I had a bit of confimation my lungs are a bit poor. I went to a doc recently (not Superman) and my Sats were sitting at 80 on oxygen which is a bit unnerving but I mean I have really really bad lung disease so I am not gonna complain about it at all.

I also was able to meet Cap Wild Bill of the Deadliest Catch!! No he is not a part of the Time Bandit but one of my favorites anyway!! I saw he was coming to my area and I just hardcore fangirled!! I could barely put into words to Wonder Woman that he was coming here!! I called in my antibiotics. I got on yet another round which my Sats were still super low on them and I got to meet him!! Such a kind person it was such a blessing to meet him and I reached out to him and let him know that and thanked him for his time. I think a lot of times we as humans forget how precious time is and for him to share some of his time with was such a blessing and an honor. I was quite beside myself especially when he retweeted me and and told me I was sweet heart!! *insert happy tears and Wonder Woman calming my steroid induced moment hear.* No really Cap Wild Bill on the off chance you ever read this it was such a wonderful moment and made up for such an awful summer I have had and I am so grateful you took the time to come to my area and meet your fans. I have followed the show from the begin so to meet you was such an honor!! And I really did cry when I saw you retweeted me!! Happy tears of course. I also did go see my Artist and have a set date to get my arm tattooed!! 

In other news I have been spending some time with Ms. J and the All Father this summer when I wasn't in bed hacking and wheezing. Or just fighting to catch my breath. I love them and truly love spending time with them because they always make me feel so loved and they always guide me in the right direction and they told me yesterday how proud they were of me. I always tell them I am gonna change the world but have no idea how I am going to do this. They always encourage me to be me. I have reason in this world to be cold and bitter but I choose happiness. I wake up and take on the day with a smile on my face and be polite to everyone I see. A person's anger toward you should never strike anger in you back. Instead you should take a step back and OK I am sorry you are angry maybe you just need a polite smile and words of encouragement. Ms. J will end up with a Super Hero name soon. I am not sure which one I want to pick yet. A part of me goes Frida!! She's part of Norse Mythology or Black Canary because I truly love her character to. I follow a lot DC Villains and not heroes so to think of a hero will take me a minute. When it comes to Marvel its usually men I follow. Tho she COULD be Black Widow but we will see as we progress from here. I think Ms. J is a super hero name all in itself. Yes this her introduction to my blog. Ms. J has become a part of my life and I absolutely love that she is in my life because she's a beautiful person and has a beautiful soul. She's always a soft reminder that its always good to put positive energy out there and I truly to do love her!!

I saw her and the All Father yesterday afternoon and it was a lovely visit I spent the evening with them and got a recipe from them to for Gluten Free bread so I hope to make some of that this weekend. I should have everything I need to make it. But I guess I should get off of here I have quite a busy day ahead of me. 

Love Y'all