Monday, May 11, 2015


I swear lately I have either been sick or busy. I am not sure I have felt anything over then "go go go" or "my lungs hate me."

I guess we will start with Thursday?? I went shopping with Wonder Woman because I need a sweater to go with my dress for Nursing Pinning. Not only did I have a tank top dress, I had a PICC to hide (protect). I walked from one end of the mall to another, with oxygen, and I had to sit down. Which is unheard with me on oxygen, it usually gives me the support I need to get thru. Unless I have a major infection it usually does its job. Not that day. Wonder Woman was only slightly concerned but we both just wrote it off as well I do have crappy lungs and it wasn't anything serious. Which I mean it really is not. I do not think.

Friday i just spent the day washing my hair and laying everything out for Saturday because early morning and picking out makeup is not something I like to do. Don't get me wrong I love makeup and won't leave the house with out it. Because it's one way I calm down and one way I can express myself with out the concern of "am i triggering something."

Which brings us to Saturday!! Nursing pinning. I was still struggling a bit but it wasn't serious. I had gone part of the morning with out my oxygen. I was just sitting at a desk while Wonder Woman does what Wonder Woman does and that save the day, whether its for me or someone else its what she does. So I make it over to the hall where pinning starts, and while I was waiting for one of my "favorites." I was hanging out with another friend I trust who also is a nurse, and was selling t-shirts with someone I never met and someone I didn't like. Which I know how to not like people and still be kind to them. Its the way it should be. I asked the one I didn't if she was a "beach" employee and she said yes, you were suppose to teach for me but something happened. I immediately new who she was and remembered what happened that month. Which isn't something I care to remember. Which I told directly and respectfully. That "something" was a major lung infection I was suppose to be admitted for, but couldn't be cause a family member had half her tongue removed and it was my responsibility to care for her. While getting up a 2 am for treatment, 5 am for manual chest PT, to get up at 7 to do more treatment and care for my family member. While Wonder Woman maintained work and help me to keep me alive. I was on antibiotics for a month strait!!! She never replied back. My favorite came and saved me!! lol Turns out she's a peds nurse and didn't grasp how deadly that could have been?? No really I know

So I sat down and someone asked me who I was since they never seen me and if I worked at the Beach campus, I said no I was Wonder Woman's daughter and I teach on some occasions as a guest on what life being sick is like. I always hide out in her office to make myself scarce when I need to. She asked about my oxygen, I explained my health, and she just looked at me and goes your lucky to be alive. No, really I am, I just wished she knows how true that statement really is. She maid a point to keep an eye on me to, knowing what all this meant. She also got to see me short of breath on oxygen as well. I also got to see some of the people I have grown to love over the years. Who I also found out was a Peds nurse.

But it made realize this: There are 2 types of people in the world. One's that truly care and one's who think they are entitled. Sorry y'all, you are NOT entitled to me speaking, I do because it is what I love to do.

Then I spent all day yesterday sick and on oxygen and medication. Lots and lots of meds. I was so tired and so sick.

I guess that bring us up to date haha
Love Y'all

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