Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Almost a year

I can't believe its been almost a year since i have started IV treatment for POTS. Although its been a rough year. So far I have survived and have received part of my life back! I do not know where I would be with out this treatment! Admitted all the time? Frail? Bad lungs or well worse lungs? A bad heart? Not on the verge of going back to school. I'm so thankful to be blessed with treatment!

I am sure your wondering what IV treatment I get. I get normal saline in my IV at home. What saline does for certain POTS patients is help keep them hydrated. Most POTS patient wants they reach the point of dehydration they tend to become symptomatic. Which usually translates into a rapid heart rate, sometimes i go into an off heart rhythm (dysrhythmia), become short of breath, black out, pass out, and in me it triggers off my asthma. Staying hydrated is VITAL for a patients with POTS. With my saline i still drink so much water its ridiculuous. But I am not going to complain when I have most of my life back. I remember when I had Sepsis within the 5 day stay i had received almost 30 liters if not more. I had such a high fever they couldn't keep me hydrated. They also discontinued all my meds so that did not help. It also put my blood pressure in thes 70s! NOT good!! I have had it lower so i was not worried at all. The doctors were in a state or worry and I'm like um what? Its YOUR fault.

I've had a rough journey with home health. Well not them to be honest the system I am with has been great. Wonderful angels that have been brought into my life. But with my PICCs, I had a horrid reaction to one, i had sepsis in the other, and so far this one has been OK. Which I am thankful for. I am super paranoid since the sepsis has been recent, now I am at risk for sepsis again. So its been a battle. Buts its a battle worth fighting, and I know this war is not over. It will be a long road but its really is worth fighting. I couldn't imagine not having this life. A semi-active life with over protective people trying to keep me safe. All of us work together as a team to keep me out of the hospital.

I have lost many people along the way. But I have gained a few to. I have gained people who I can't imagine living with out. Near and far. I have been blessed with truly amazing people in my life. Some I met on farmville (hush), some i have met in hospitals, and some have been there all a long. Life has amazing ways of working things out but is so worth it. And through God's grace I have survived this long road.

I must get going I promised Wonder Woman dinner. I am telling you once a Chef always a Chef!

Chef Poppet signing out :-)

Love yall

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