Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sorry I didn’t update yesterday, maybe it’s been 2 days?? I’ve been busy and tired!! High elevation, and walking up hills!! It’s been a lot on me but I’ve been doing ok at the same time because the air is so so clean.

Two days ago, we toured the battlefields!! I was thinking about the war side who was where, and who was doing what. I love the movie Gettysburg and we were placing locations and wondering where someone’s ashes were spread. I was struggling walking up hills but not letting it stop me. I couldn’t imagine walking up a hill like that, starved, and people firing at me. It’s horrific and heart breaking. Us Virginians wanted to find out where our monument was at and what was over there. It took us forever but we did find it. And a few other statues as well it was the first time I had been back that way!! There’s a pic floating around of me at Devils Den to.

Yesterday, we did to museums they were so so cool and I’d never seen either of them before. We got to see the civilian side of the word and gave us a side we never thought about. The 7,000 thousand dead bodies after the war in a hot summer day plus the animals?? And all that laid wounded. They had to indure all that for months. The house we were at were taking over by confederates who ransacked the place in a sense and it was turned into a hospital. We also went to another museum that sorta showed the hospital side of that. Someone really should not let me walk up 4 flights of stairs again an exhausting day, we did some shops and found some haunted grave yards. Yes I am that girl lol!! Loved haunted things and history but we always come in love and light.

Today, oh gosh today. Mr A check out my insta the train is on there (lilcriss3) we got to rise on a old steam engine!! Ok so this wasn’t thought out, open car, smoke ran steam engine, and the cold. I was bit congested and wheezie from all the smoke, it wasn’t bad going up but coming back down it was awful tho i am very much so ok, sitting off my oxygen even and the view was gorgeous!! We made it a place called Hanover Junction and it so far has been the only place I could eat safely with out me cooking it. It was Italian ice and it was so so good!! Such a gorgeous train to.

But I’m going to hop off here,
Love Y’all

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Apparently last nights blog just posted, I didn’t realize that. I’m once again on my phone so this shouldn’t be long either, sorry for the short version of this stuff at the moment been a mix between busy and tired. I have learned that my lungs do not do hills!! Does that stop me?? Well no not really I have been and do where my oxygen. Today we went to see the panorama and listened to the history of the civil war. In general not just this area, my area was on there to. I learned a lot of stuff and took some pics. I have some posted on insta.

So for those who don’t know me, I love history all kinda of history but specifically haunted history. Yes how shocking the little goth girl loves haunted stuff. I have found haunted stuff every where!! It’s just so wonderful I also found (on display in a museum) historic clever and chef stuff from the civil war. You typical see the medical side which now a days seems barbaric but they didn’t have what we have today. Seeing how truly tiny the uniforms were amazed me!! We also walked the cemetery and such which is so so serene and peaceful. I also found a cook book about the culinary history of the war.

We basically just walked around today to find stuff and just look. It poored this morning, and we have been cooking or own meals and such. Which I’m more then ok with it’s safer and better for my body really. Tho I did notice they don’t have anything gluten free, I’m “intolerant” to it in a sense tho they do have food allergy stuff here. I can’t wait to walk battlefields. This is one of my favorite places to be. Tho. I’m exhausted and do need to get meds and stuff done.

Love Y’all


So I’m on my phone and this won’t be to long until I get my computer on and running. Traveling with CF and POTs is a lot and we packed an entire truck with medical supplies. I wish I was kidding but it was full of medical supplies and I’ve been sitting on the floor playing cards. You can follow my stuff in Instagram at lilcriss3 or maybe FB but def insta lol I’m heading off for the night tho

Love y’all