Friday, January 25, 2019


The Bohemian Rhapsody came out this past week. Wonder Woman has it heard about for over a year now and we missed it in theaters. She was working nights, my lungs are questionable around large groups. It got to the point I would just send a text and she knew what I was talking about. Yes I am a Queen fan but It was such a good movie. One part of the movie he said "I don't have much time but what I have left I want to spend it doing what I love." No really even if you're not a Queen fan watch it. It is so beautifully and respectfully done.

I have always said, people who live with a terminal illness think differently then the mass population. We have this though process that knows life is short, its beautiful, and its so worth it. Yes yes I know some are just mean grumps, but I know many who just truly love life and want to spend it sharing love. You always here people saying "I wish I could do this" "if I had the chance I would have done this differently." The average person holds on to this idea that we are going to have these long lives and there's always tomorrow. People forget to make the choice to live this day, and be present in this moment.

What if we all thought this way?? What if we all realized we are not going to live for ever and we are just present in a moment we can't get back. When me and Wonder Woman talk, we have memories that don't always have pictures. "Do you remember that concert we went to??" Which one is always the answer cause theres a lot. She has alway taught me to follow my dreams and my heart and to never settle. Follow my true desire in life. That is why I am a Chef. People in my life didn't want me to have a "man's job." But oh how I love to cook. Sometimes we don't know what we want to be, or we are scared to push boundaries and be what we want to be.

Don't waste your life thinking you have forever to live, don't spend your time shrugging it off and saying "there's always tomorrow." You have the here and the now. Do what you love, chase what your soul truly desires. And live the best life you can.

Love Y'all

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Christmas Update

Now that rush of holidays are over, and I half slept through the new year. I figured now that I am awake I'd up day on the craziness of my life. Of course nothing ever goes as planned, we make things work, and with all the fireworks and gunshots which means a scaredy cat I slept most of yesterday.

So I did get to be home for the holidays, though it wasn't that simple. I had seen Superman that morning and we had to sort my home saline to up it to 4 liters for three days which means I was getting up at 6 am to be out of the house by noon. Which as soon as Wonder Woman opened the door I was at her side making her open her present. Why would I let her take her jacket off?? The All Father got the excitement before he got into the house and we opened our presents a day early because of it. I had made him this gorgeous cross stitch that was based off American traditional tattoos. He has left the tattoos to me and of course he needed a second one.

I got to go to Christmas dinner and see some of my family I haven't seen in years. Some since I was like 17/18. One of them lives out of state and we sorta surprised her that day. I call her Sissie. I have been trying to up that way every time she's in town but it always falls short and I finally got to see her. With rest of the clan too. They are such a wonderful part of my life. One of the girls I would baby sit while our parents were down the street at a house party. Then I got to me some of the younger kids I hadn't been able to. Thankful Spider Maker got me into anime and was able to connect with her.

I also got to see my favorite uncle. I came home just in time for me to talking to him and he brought me over some Stephen King books to read. Yes yes I know he's a horror author but I mean I do read Robin Cook who is a medical doctor that rights on hot topics of the times. Fabulous author. And IT was my first Tim Curry movie so why not read the book?? I also gave him the rest of Rubes treats that shes allergic to or won't eat.

So though I have been busy I have been really enjoying my time. And I love surrounding myself with people I love. As for the New Year?? I am not sure what lies ahead me as life is so uncertain. But I know I am going to work on 4 trials recipe books to get a feeler out on what people like. I know whose getting them already. Once I sort Rubes out I will be getting a few prints even if I do it buy hand. Which that sounds like a wonderful idea.

But I am off here for now. Gonna read the newest Robin Cook book so I can start on some Stephen King.

Love Y'all