Wednesday, July 19, 2017


I haven't been updating much lately as summer is usually the time where I lay really low, my body just can not take the heat. Earlier this week me and Wonder Woman went out the day after a major storm that woke all of us, and left me feeling very off. It didn't end well at all, I am trying to stay cautious of the heat and how poor my lungs are so I am not pushing my body hard at all. Which that often means this sorta gets left for a bit. Nothing to report, nothing going on, except sitting with my favorite pup!! My sweet boy is so smart. I was sitting on the couch with him and my tank was empty as I grabbed the wrong one. I told him I had to go and he got up and went to the chair and just stared at me. My heart broke!! Note to self: Bring a back up tank!!

I also met a friend on the 4th, and she encouraged me to put myself out there with my makeup. The poor thing, the first time she met me I had a Christmas look on which I am sure was green and red with red lipstick, and then the 4th it was red and blue. So I have taking her up on it, and started putting my extravagant makeup out there. I am also working on my cook book still and wondering how I am going about my cooking times. I don't really have a cook time for anything. All cook times very based on how you use your oven, and how you decide to bake your desert. I bake my cookies in sheets cause I am lazy which alters the time of the cookies. I guess I will just right a little thing about that?? I have found a way to get some printed and such with out going thru an editing company and doing it all on my own, which I think I am going to do. Make it a little more personal.

I am also in the works of getting some things done with Poison Ivey, she moved not to long ago so she can't come down for weekends the way she use to, so she is coming down in a month or so for a weekend and I am trying to get things sorted for all the stuff me and her our working on. Her love is working us to of course and I so can't wait to see my second family. Which also mean my job this next month or so is to stay as healthy as summer will allow me. I promised her a long time ago, she will not have to go thru life with out me, which I remind myself on hard days that I will not break my promise to her. Its the little things that keep me going, and keep me pushing forward.

But I guess I need to get off of here and cook dinner and make some salsa.

Love Yall

Saturday, July 8, 2017


Holidays of any sort are always interesting when you are chronically ill, or have food allergies for that matter. Everything can be so uncertain. Of course you do everything within your power to protect yourself and sometimes you just have to politely decline an invitation here and there.

I was sure this 4th I was doing nothing, Cook Outs can be questionable for me, I can't do fireworks and was planning to lay low until the All Father texted me to come over. Why yes of course :-D.  The special thing about the All Father and Frigga is, the always make sure I am safe even when they have a group of people over. They understand every aspect of my health, and Frigga is brilliant at finding safe foods for me to eat. I am always blessed that they find people willing to under stand my health issues and make the atmosphere safe for me.

Holidays are not always easy, in fact most times they are quite difficult. I have had people tell me to my face it doesn't matter if I come or not I can't eat what they eat anyways. I had people open things in front of me with no care and this not just a me thing its a people like me thing. Some days you just gotta be assertive and kindly explain you are so much more then your disease. Its also OK to distant yourself from these people. You do NOT have to be around people who make you constantly worry about your disease or your food allergies. Or whatever is wrong with you.

The people that alter things for you, they love you. They do not do it because they have to, they do it because they want you around and they are wiling to make an adjustment to their plans or menu so you can be with them safely. They do not want to see you sick or hurt. I know how hard it is not to feel guilty that someone make whats seems like a huge alteration to their plans. Or like the All Father, he comes and gets me for long days so I can take meds that make me tired and loopy. So Wonder Woman isn't worrying constantly, and I can enjoy the day with out the worry of being sick or getting home before meds kick in.

I have walked all my loved ones thru what needs to be done to keep me safe and cool and they are always willing to make adjustments for me, and the ones who aren't?? I had to learn to either try and be patient and teach them the seriousness of what my health brings or just distance myself from situations all together which is OK to.

Don't be afraid to cancel a plan because you are not comfortable being in a situation.

Love Y'all