Its been awhile since I updated, I have been crazy busy getting ready for Christmas, getting Wonder Woman who works a lot ready for Christmas, dealing with my new truck, and just enjoying the holidays.
I don't even know where to start, well my old truck had or has mold in it so we had to get rid of because it just made me so so sick. In the process of that we got me a new truck and the length of wheel base was just a little bit longer then my old one so the All Father has been teaching how to drive it correctly. I was parking it today and its like ok now I need to be closer to this side and now I need to turn at the last minute, and now I need to trust the truck. I could have made it but I was a bit nervous.
Christmas was wonderful, I finally got to give the All Father his gift. I'll post it on my Poppets FB soon, but I cross stitched his cats. It was a challenge I swore up and down while doing it that I had no idea how to cross stitch at some points. It came together so well and I was so excited to give it to him. Its always fun to see him open his gifts. Other wise Christmas was pretty low key.
My health has been pretty level. My lungs are still bouncing back from the lung infection I got from the mold. There still pretty junky, and im still a bit exhausted from all of it. There not back to where they were before but thats ok. I will get them back. I really need to get back into yoga and get them sorted out properly. I saw my nurse today that told me my animia was stable so we are good there. I need some good news to end the year.
So much has gone on over the past couple of months, the death, the stuff with my bro, my health, the truck, and just trying to balance all of this. Coping with the loss of someone who was a huge part of my life, someone that made me who I am, and no one knowing I existed in their life at the same time. Traveling to my favorite location and just letting all of that go, and just being present with people that love me and matter.
The All Father texted me the week or a few days before Christmas and he told me this new year is going to be the best, we are going to make it the best, and we are going to enjoy it. We are going to make choices that lead to this as well. Cut out the negative and run with the positive. Embrace life, love life, and be thankful every day.
Love Yall
I don't even know where to start, well my old truck had or has mold in it so we had to get rid of because it just made me so so sick. In the process of that we got me a new truck and the length of wheel base was just a little bit longer then my old one so the All Father has been teaching how to drive it correctly. I was parking it today and its like ok now I need to be closer to this side and now I need to turn at the last minute, and now I need to trust the truck. I could have made it but I was a bit nervous.
Christmas was wonderful, I finally got to give the All Father his gift. I'll post it on my Poppets FB soon, but I cross stitched his cats. It was a challenge I swore up and down while doing it that I had no idea how to cross stitch at some points. It came together so well and I was so excited to give it to him. Its always fun to see him open his gifts. Other wise Christmas was pretty low key.
My health has been pretty level. My lungs are still bouncing back from the lung infection I got from the mold. There still pretty junky, and im still a bit exhausted from all of it. There not back to where they were before but thats ok. I will get them back. I really need to get back into yoga and get them sorted out properly. I saw my nurse today that told me my animia was stable so we are good there. I need some good news to end the year.
So much has gone on over the past couple of months, the death, the stuff with my bro, my health, the truck, and just trying to balance all of this. Coping with the loss of someone who was a huge part of my life, someone that made me who I am, and no one knowing I existed in their life at the same time. Traveling to my favorite location and just letting all of that go, and just being present with people that love me and matter.
The All Father texted me the week or a few days before Christmas and he told me this new year is going to be the best, we are going to make it the best, and we are going to enjoy it. We are going to make choices that lead to this as well. Cut out the negative and run with the positive. Embrace life, love life, and be thankful every day.
Love Yall