Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What a day

Today I had gotten up early was getting ready for the funeral. I had turned Queen on youtube and as always it swaps me over to Aerosmith (I can only half complain about this). And one of my all time favorite songs came on and I was I think curling my hair, I had heard the lyrics and just stopped. Now dream on has a sad new meaning to it cause for once I felt the lyrics, live your life because tomorrow you might not be here. Im usually not much of a sap but oh how my heart is broken. I very vividly remember this person so well.

So the All Father comes to grab me up to take me, while I was in my room grabbing something, I see Grandma coming down the hall with a packet that had Grandpas funeral arrangements on it, and that's when I realized where we were going. I truly thought it was a Veterans funeral home and such which I was only half wrong about. Anyways so I asked the All Father while we were there could we see my Grandpa I had seen him in awhile and he needs a visit while we are there. So of course I stopped to say.

Side not for girls, don't where heals to a graveyard just don't. Learn from me. Bumps and heals no no no.

This always gets us talking about death. I have always believed we should embrace it and dance with it. Morbid but hear me out. I have spent my entire adult life battling my lungs and food allergies. I group around the ICU because thats where Wonder Woman worked and oh how she loves it. So I always had this idea that anything can happen. I made a choice in life to embrace it, no matter what, we never know what is going to happen in life, we don't where were going to be or where we are going to end up. Its simply just a part of life that we should not fear. I will fight for every breath to continue to live don't get me wrong though.

So today I am going to drink my Starbucks, be thankful for this wonderful insane life, and maybe cry a bit cause God do I miss my grandpa. I was not expecting to end up there but I am so glad I did. He's my guardian angel after all, which we all know I need one battling this body.

Life is a beautiful amazing thing, do what you love.

Love yall

Sunday, April 7, 2019


I guess I should update this. Ive been a bit short of breath all day but I got to do the things I wanted so I want complain. Though I did eat a pint of ice cream for dinner cause well I deserved it. It was delicious with a nice hot cup of coffee. I also got Starbucks today, But anyways.

Friday was I was reading my book for some reason I left my phone screen on which I never do and I got a text from the All Father, which of course I closed my book and grabbed my phone. I got a text that someone I know had died. Once I placed face to name my heart sunk, I remember him fondly. I have been to band practices, New Years parties the works with them. I actually had him sign a drum head with my dad one year a LONG LONG time ago so when they got famous I had their first signature. Oh gosh I had to be twenty. That was also the night me and the all father got banned from playing with fire works.

Life is the shortest thing we have. I have said many times in this blog I have always been raised to believe quality over quantity of life. We must do what we love while we are on this earth. What moves your soul when you close your eyes and dream. What makes life worth living. Yes I get it, life is tough and it is hard. But its also so beautiful and amazing. We need to present in a world where its more important to be connected to whatever social media platform there is. But if we just put our phones down and talk to someone around us we'd find out how truly amazing this world is.

There are many times I just shove my phone in my purse and zip so I can sit and a coffee table and each Fritos with all father, to have dinner with my family, to catch up one whatever is going on in life. Some of my favorite memories are spent in at that coffee table. Or in the sunroom that my Grandpa built. Be present, be open, and disconnect from everything and just be present. Most of all follow your heart and dont let the world decide what and who you should be.

Love y'all