Friday, October 6, 2017

POTS awareness

Its dysautonomia month, and I know this is something I never touch on much anymore because my POTS is typically under control and it doesn't bother me as long as I am doing what I am supposed to do, and theres isn't a major storm hitting us, but being that is awareness month I figured I'd touch on my POTS a little bit.

If you do not know what any of this is, well dysautonomia is the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, this is the system that controls everything you do not readily think about doing, like breathing, kidney function, heart rate, digestion and a few other things. There are many forms this, its like basically saying I have lung disease. Well what type do you have?? CF, is much different the COPD which is also an umbrella term, which is different from asthma, and so on. With POTS what basically happens is my body can not control my heart rate, my blood pressure, or my kidney function. Which leads to an interesting life because on top of this I still have cystic fibrosis.

I have a few of my EKGs on my body so instead of talking about the ins and outs of what POTS is and what is does in my body because its all in here somewhere I am going to tell you about my tattoos. Its a very common question I get, and I have a few tattoos for my POTS as well as my CF.

On my chest I have an EKG from my first MRT, which isn't the the worse EKG I ever have, probably won't ever tattoo that one on my body. When trying to diagnose this disease my heart actually stopped, we stressed my heart out to the point it stopped. I have also been in v-tach which is also deadly but that not on my body either. So yes I do have a history of dysrhymias and I have often been threatened with a pace maker. But the tattoo on my chest is still a pretty dark story. I was actually admitted for a lung infection, and any time the lungs do not work, the heart gets stressed out to. What most people over look is the rapid breathing can also lead to dehydration which was completely over looked and my heart started to crash out, I couldn't get any air into my lungs at all and they had to call an MRT. This what they call to keep you from coding out or heart stopping issues. This was right after Wonder Woman left and she had to be called back in and the All Father came as well. I was clinging to life, couldn't breathe well at all, had an allergic reaction in the ICU, and well was pretty traumatized over all this. So in order to heal a little bit over all this me and Wonder Woman got it tattooed, one is the actual EKG from the MRT it read a 56 year old having a heart attack, I did not have a heart attack but my heart and lung did take a beating that day.

The other is the one I just got with Poison Ivey, she has been a pretty big part of my life and she is the one person that is always by my side going "were getting you new lungs." Its not a well... maybe... Its a confident positive light by my side that is unwavering. She is even wears purple and red lipstick for me because she's my little fellow villain and a hero in my story. She loves tattoos so we decided to get matching ones, a moon for me, a sun for her, and a quote to go with it. It starts on me and ends on her. Im her dark friend, goth/punked out most days and my story can be quite grim and never for a moment does she let me believe that. So we found one my EKGs and my heart rate resting that night was SVT, supra ventricular tachycardia, at 2 am and me doing nothing at 156 beats a minute. Doing nothing my heart rate was that high. I also had it much higher one night in the hospital but I do not know where that EKG is at. I am sure while I was in for both of those I was having issues with my lungs as well. Since Poison Ivey is one of my biggest advocates, and does everything she can with campaigns to raise awareness for not only CF and POTs but organ donations to help not only me but people like me. We permanently put our story on ours bodies. Yes our story, because this isn't just me this is us. She does everything she can for me so I can have hope of a stable life. So I can hope for a new life, and she does everything she can to let me know I am not alone in any of this.

This is what POTS is, outside of me running and IV and not retaining any fluid, its being in the hospital with my heart beating out of my chest, and praying for relief, while Poison Ivey is there to hold my hand and help with my financial burden and as well as awareness, its your heart going crazy and beating out of your chest while people surround you working on you to keep your heart from stopping. Its being breathless and sitting on the floor to hopefully calm your heart down so you don't fall down. Its a friend in the least likely of places holding your hand saying "we got this." It Wonder Woman changing yet another dressing, its the All Father carrying a heavy purse. Theres so much more to my story then I allow the average person to see which is why I have this blog. Sometimes its sobbing on someones shoulder asking for a bit of strength when I can't stand on my own, and other days its the girl with a smile on her face where nothing can stop her.

Is this a great awareness post?? Not really I could fully educate you on what my body does and why. But my brutal reality can some times be just as good. Don't judge a smiling face and think there ok, sometimes theres a deeper story you do not see. Take the time to get to know someone and not what you think they should be.

Love Yall