Friday, May 3, 2013

A lot has happened this past week, or over really.

I was getting a test set up, with a doctor that really is not familiar with POTS. I found my IV is the rest of my life. So you know what this means? I need to get a back pack other then just black to rock! I also found out my lung disease is pretty crappy. Which I never talk about on her but will sorta fill ya in though. I guess I was suppose to be informed of this already but I wasn't, thankfully PICCs aren't that hard to live with, though I want my tunneled back. Fashion was a bit easier with that Abeslom. Yep he's named! Though I did make some fabulous PICC covers which I will soon be selling.

PICCs are very hard but easy to travel with. As for flying, with a doctors note most air lines are required to let you travel with your IVs. Considering it is medically necessary. Honestly I'd rather just drive. I feel its less to worry about. Which I did get permission to travel this summer. VERY strict guidelines, but after my journey! This is very deserving. Guidelines you ask?? Can't leave the house during the day. I am going to be in the desert. YES the desert with POTS. I have to contact Superman daily, and I also have to travel with ect saline. Which was a pain in the butt to get, but its well worth it. I am excited! I am trying to talk Wonder Woman into driving out to "pick me up" and stop at a beach on the way back. Yes a beach with a PICC, with proper precautions I am sure it will be OK. I will tape everything I can. I do not go in the water so it will work out.

As for my lungs. I am sure yall are curious. My lungs like to fill with a thick sticky mucus. It causes, pain, shortness of breath, my heart to do some crazy things. I wheeze, and cough. Not to mention all the awful triggers I have. I have lung disease with asthma. But when my lungs fill with mucus my hard rate spikes, and I get a fever. So it makes my POTS trigger. This is also why I am on IV treatment and not beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and midodrin. Cardiology says "i do what superman says" he really says this! Superman says do not let anyone give you anything for your heart. Superman is the one that had me diagnosed with POTS, and picked up on it. I adore that doctor. He works miracles. I swear he does. Though I can't say he likes home health very much. We finally got my lungs treated properly and have greatly lowered my heart rate. I had a wonderful ER staff help me!

Well I guess I must go, Cheshire just appeared in the movie and we all know how wonderful Chesh is!!

Love Yal