I guess this is going to be more of a personal post then an educational post. More a view of what I deal with sometimes? Yeah i guess that would be accurate.
It's Christmas Eve I am sitting here watching Star Trek with my Kitten Rubes now all peaceful. She's the most darling little thing when she sleeps. Today wasn't all that calm... My uncle came by today and he hasn't seen my in a year (he lives close enough to) and the things he had said and someone that lives with me has said were just so hurtful. I was thankful when someone came in from a smokey house and I could run to my room and recluse.
I was talking about my goals in life, and when you hear me talk about my dreams you would never believe for a day that I was sick. I want to be a surgeon and I am so blessed to have a doctor in my life to guide me to my dreams. In health and dreams. He's really has earned the name super man. Alls I heard was why try? You can't do that? You will never end up at Duke! Why not? "Cause your sick" And your point? I do think there is a genius running around in a wheel chair so why can't i be a doctor with a medical condition? This just a blast on me to. Then my allergies came up... I am NOT sensitive at all about my allergies and can take a few jokes but when someone tells you "why does it matter if you eat with us when I can't eat what they cook anyways" This is our Christmas dinner. That I shouldn't even bother to show up at because I have food allergies.
I also heard for a good hour why I should just stop trying because i have POTS. POTS or any disease for that mater is not a reason to give up. It's not a reason to throw in the bag and so i am done with life. I was not built to give up and break down. I am built to fight threw to other end and look at the bright and positive side. I have doctors willing to make me better to live a life that i want to. No way would I let them down.
I also found out today I am just the girl with a disease. Thats what I am seen as. I am more then just a girl with a disease. SO MUCH MORE. I am proud kittie momma, a Chef, striving to be an MD Physicist, a gym rat, and an artist. I live to see people smile and love spending time with my friends and of course video games. I love life and coffee and cake! There is SO much more to me then some disease. Just take the time to look past the IVs, the inhalers, the hospitalizations. I am human I have feelings and I am not suppose to cry cause it can make me terribly sick but I broke down and texted Momma and let her know what was going on.
Broken hearted? Sometimes. But my spirit will never be broken!
I am wishing everyone a very merry Christmas!!
Love Yall